Facultatea de Stiinte Socio-Umane, Universitatea din Oradea

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An indirect harmful effect of violence: Victimizing the child and Re-victimizing the woman-mother through her child’s exposure to violence against herself

Program: Daphne ΙΙΙ Research Programme, sustinut de catre COMISIA EUROPEANA, DIRECTORATE 4-GENERAL JUSTICE, FREEDOM AND SECURITY, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship

Titlul proiectului: „An indirect harmful effect of violence: Victimizing the child and Re-victimizing the woman-mother through her child’s exposure to violence against herself / Un efect indirect nociv al violenţei: victimizarea copilului şi re-victimizarea mamei prin expunerea copilului ei la violenţa îndreptată împotriva sa” ACRONYM= VI.C.T.I.MS (VICTIMS) VI-ctimizing C-hildren T-hrough I-njuring M-otherS

Nr. contract: JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1157–30-CE-03116350015

Solicitant: Universitatea din Cipru/ University of Cyprus/ Prof. Mary Koutselini, Department of Education and  UNESCO´ s Chair on Gender Equality and Women´ s Empowerment

Parteneri: Università di Roma Tre, Italia (Prof. Sandra Chistolini), Universitatea din Presov, Slovacia (Prof. Iveta Kovalcikova), Universitatea din Oradea, România (Conf univ dr Monica Secui) si parteneri asociati (organizatii guvernamentale si non-guvernamentale) din ţările participante

Persoana de contact pentru Universitatea din Oradea: conf univ dr Monica Secui – Catedra de Psihologie, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane, tel. 0259-408213, fax. 0259-408766, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Buget total: 489.761,28 Euro - din care Bugetul Universitatii din Oradea: 75.447,00 Euro

Finantare UE: 390.192,81

Perioada derulării: 24.12.2009 – 24.12.2011

Site: www.ucy.ac.cy/victims.

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