Manuscript format

All manuscripts forwarded for publishing will be edited in English in an A4 format with 12 point TNR characters and 1,5 line spacing.

The length of the manuscript may not exceed 25 pages (for empirical studies and theoretical synthesis) or five pages for interviews, comments and reviews.

The first page of the article should contain only the title of the article, the names and surnames of the authors and also contact details for the first author (address and e-mail), thus assuring an efficient review process.

All manuscripts will contain at page 2 an abstract in English of a maximum 200 words and up to five keywords, and starting from page 3 the text body will be introduced.

References within the text will show the mentioned author’s name and the year the reference source was published. The reference at the end of the article will be typed according to the APA [Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001), 5th ed] publication standards.

Tables, graphics or figures (BW) will be numbered independently in accordance with the order of appearance in the text body and will be accompanied by an adequate title. These will be presented individually on separate pages at the end of the manuscript and in the text body a clear reference will be made with regard to the place of insertion of the table, graph or figure. All editing should be done in MSWord format.


Upon its arrival, the first author of the article will be notified via e-mail about its arrival.




Universitatea din Oradea; Facultatea de Ştiinţe Socio–Umane, Catedra de Psihologie

St. Universităţii, no. 3, Campus 2, Oradea, Bihor, cod 410087 Romania, U.E.

Tel.: (040)0259432830   fax: (040)0259432789


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